Zigzag Oyster

Zigzag Oyster shells of the Tropical Indo-Pacific region

  • The Zigzag Oyster is also known as the Cock's Comb Oyster. Oysters are members of the bivalve(mollusk with a shell formed of two pieces)(mollusks are soft-bodied, legless animals that secrete a calcious shell).

  • Young oysters cement themselves to hard objects on the ocean floor. Many have spines that act as a defense against predators(animal that seeks and kills another animal for food).

  • The zigzag Oyster is called a true oyster. These are edible. This oyster has a solid thick, sharply ridged shell.

  • The Zigzag Oyster ranges from the western Indian Ocean to the Northeastern shores of Australia. It usually is found in patches of off-shore seaweed. They are fairly common with an average size of approximately 3 inches.
  • H1-5

    One 4 to 5 inch Zigzag Oyster......$9.10


    One 5 or more inches Zigzag Oyster......$13.50


    One Zigzag Oyster 9 inches......OUT OF STOCK

    Seloy Oyster polished


    Seloy's are from the western Pacific

    These are smooth bodied bivalve

    They popular with collectors.

    The picture of the Seloy shows too much pink. Ninety nine percent of the Seloy's are various shades of purple and rarely pink. Even so, the shells are very colorful.


    One 4 inch or more Seloy Oyster Pair.....$3.25

    Varian Oyster


    Spondylus Varius, is a species of the large marine bivalve molluscan in the family. Spondylidae, the Spiny Oysters.

    It lives in depths up to 99 feet, and like most bivalves, they are filter-feeders, using plankton as a food source.

    This species can be found in the Indo-Pacific Oceans and off Australia, China, the Philippines, Japan, and Taiwan.

    Scientific classification

    Domain: Eukaryota

    Kingdom: Animalia

    Phylum: Mollusca

    Class: Bivalve

    Order: Pectinida

    Family: Spondylidae

    Genus: Spondylus

    Species: S. varius

    Spiny Regious Oysters


    Spondylus regius, the regal thorny oyster, is a species of bivalve molluscA in the family Spondylidae. It can be found in the Western Pacific, and can grow up to 7 inches in length.

    Spondylus regius is found in the Red Sea, Philippines, Japan, and Coral Sea waters on coral debris from depths of 17 to 263 feet.

    Scientific classification

    Domain: Eukaryota

    Kingdom: Animalia

    Phylum: Mollusca

    Class: Bivalvia

    Order: Pectinida

    Family: Spondylidae

    Genus: Spondylus

    Species: S. regius


    One 3 to 4 inch Spondylus Regius Oyster pair......$18.95


    One 4 to 5 inch Spondylus Regius Oyster Pair....$25.95

    Spondylus Ducallis Oyster


    The Spondylus Ducallis Oyster is another of the 40 some spiny oysters. This Oyster is found in the Indo-Pacific region. All are tropical water dwellers and they like the other spiny oysters attach themselves to hard objects.


    One 3 to 4 inch Spondylus Ducallis Oyster pair ......OUT OF STOCK

    Spondylus Imperialis Oyster


    The Spondylus Imperialis Oyster is another spiny oyster found in the Indo-Pacific region. As with other oysters, it attaches itself to a hard surface.

    This oyster can grow up to 6 inches, the most common length is about 3 inches.

    The Spondylus Imperialis have been found across the Indo-West Pacific: from India and Sri Lanka to the Philippines; north to Japan and south to Indonesia.


    One 3 to 4 inch Spondylus Imperialis Oyster pair......$8.59

    01-5 Spiny Oysters assorted kinds


    They are found across the Indo-Pacific region.

    Spiny Oysters have been found in tropical seas as shallow as 1 foot to as deep as 150 feet.


    One 3 to 4 inch Spiny Oyster Pair sold in assorted types...... .75

    Brownlip Oyster Shell


    the penguin's wing oyster, is a species of marine bivalve mollusk in the family Pteriidae, the pearl oysters. It is native to the western and central Indo-Pacific region and is used for the production of cultured pearls. The generic name comes from Greek πτερον (pteron) meaning wing.

    It is found attached by its byssal threads to a number of different substrates, rocks and corals (especially to Gorgonacea), at intertidal depths less 1156 feet.

    Pteria penguin can reach a common shell length of about 8 inches, with a maximum length of 12 inches). The shells of this rather large species are solid and ovate. The posterior ear develops a narrow, elongated, wing-like expansion. The left valve is more inflated than the right one. The outside color of the shell ranges from dark brown to black, while the interior is nacreous silvery, a wide non-nacreous glossy black margin

    Scientific classification

    Domain: Eukaryota

    Kingdom: Animalia

    Phylum: Mollusca

    Class: Bivalvia

    Order: Pteriida

    Family: Pteriidae

    Genus: Pteria

    Species: P. penguin


    One 3 to 5 inch Polished Brown Lip Oyster ....... $4.90


    One 6 to 8 inch Brownlip Oyster Shell........ $6.50

    Blacklip Oyster Shell

    Pinctada margaritifera common name BLACKLIP OYSTER

    This is a species of pearl oyster, a saltwater mollusk, a marine bivalve mollusk in the family Pteriidae. They are common in the Indo-Pacific within tropical coral reefs.

    The ability of P. margaritifera to produce pearls means that the species is a valuable resource to humans. The oysters are harvested wild from coral reefs and are also commonly grown in aquaculture, in the Indo-Pacific region.

    The common name of this species refers to the black coloring along the margins of the interior of the shell. Externally the shell is dark grayish brown or green, though white spots are common across the shell. Adults usually reach between 8 to 10 inches in height. A distinctive feature of the species is that the hinge has no teeth.

    Pinctada margaritifera occupies a wide range throughout the Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Sudan, Papua New Guinea, Australia, French Polynesia, Cook Islands, Indonesia, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Southwestern part of the Indian Ocean, Japan and the Pacific Ocean, and various locations on the coast of India.

    The pearl oyster attaches itself to barnacles and other hard substrates via a byssus. They thrive at intertidal and subtidal zones, at depths from the low tide to up to 27 feet. Habitats are usually characterized as oligotrophic and having low turbidity. Other species, including sponges, hydroids, polychaetes, lamellibranchs, amphipods, decapods, echinoderms, and fishes, usually have close relationships with pearl oyster beds.

    This species is commonly farmed and harvested for pearls, and there is general consensus that the quality of pearls from Pinctada margaritifera is the highest quality out of all the pearl oysters. Pearls form when a parasite or other irritant enters into the oyster and nacre is released by the oyster to coat the object, eventually creating a small pearl. It is a popular myth that sand is a common irritant that induces pearl nucleation, however, this is very rarely, if ever, the case. Bivalves are able to flush sand from their bodies extremely effectively, and studies of pearl nuclei have shown that the overwhelming majority form from parasitic incursion, other organic irritants, or even tissue damage. The oyster's release of the nacre serves as an adaptation of the immune system to isolate the invasive particle and irritation. P. margaritifera in particular produces gray or black pearls.

    Scientific classification

    Domain: Eukaryota

    Kingdom: Animalia

    Phylum: Mollusca

    Class: Bivalvia

    Order: Pteriida

    Family: Pteriidae

    Genus: Pinctada

    Species: P. margaritifera


    One 1 to 1 1/2 inch Single shell of the Bivalve polished Blacklip Oyster shell...... .75


    One 1 1/2 to 2 inch single shell of the bivalve Blacklip Polished Oyster shell...... .75


    One 2 to 2 1/2 inch single shell of the bivalve Blacklip Polished Oyster shell...... $1.15


    One 2 1/2 to 3 inch single shell of the bivalve Blacklip Polished Oyster shell...... $1.75


    One 3 to 4 inch single shell of the bivalve Blacklip Polished Oyster shell...... $2.95


    One 4 to 4 1/2 inch single shell of the bivalve Blacklip Polished Oyster shell.....$7.75


    One 4 1/2 to 5 inch single shell of the bivalve Blacklip Polished Oyster shell......$9.25

    Hammer Head Oyster

    Hammer Head Oyster with Spiny Oyster

    Malleidae, or hammer oyster, is a family of saltwater clams. They are related to the pearl oysters, in the order Pteriida[1] and the superfamily Pterioidea.

    The shells of most of these animals are T-shaped, with the hinge along the top of the T, and with the byssus emerging from the hinge. An oblique ligament holds the hinge. The shell is partially nacreous. There is a single, large adductor muscle. The exhalant current exits at the hinge.

    Most hammer oysters live in tropical, coralline areas.

    Scientific classification

    Domain: Eukaryota

    Kingdom: Animalia

    Phylum: Mollusca

    Class: Bivalvia

    Order: Pteriida

    Super family: Pterioidea

    Family: Malleidae


    One 6 to 7 inch Hammer Head Oyster shell with Spiny oyster ..... $2.10

    NATURAL PEARL OYSTER SHELL This is a Natural Pearl Oyster shell that has a Ruff back and a natural pearl finish inside.


    One 3 to 5 inch natural Pearl Oyster Shell $1.10


    One 5 to 6 inch natural Pearl Oyster Shell $2.10


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